Public Life Areas – Jönköping

Public Life Areas – Jönköping

Where are the most active areas in the city of Jönköping?

Public life map of Jönköping 2018. The number indicates the amount of people you can expect to see per street segment per 30 minutes – walking and stationary combined. The more red, the more activity. Two areas have asterixes tied to them, this is due to them having vastly different amount of people during different periods of counting – be it due to weather (the beach) or outdoors market (in the west).

The above map is created by combining stationary and walking people per street segment. The map clearly defines the active urban center of Jönköping indicated by the high activity red color. The red color further to the east is ‘Vätterstranden’, a beach that attracts plenty of people. An interesting observation regarding the more green colors is that they are generally mostly housing with little through-traffic, little or no public amenities and close to no commercial activity – these neighborhoods can be expected to have a public life value of around 20, according to the metrics used in this observation project.

To get a grasp of how many people walked in different areas of the city I counted 443 street segments for 10 minutes each. To count the amount of stationary people I counted a total of 81 places, each of which was counted during 1 minute 5 times. All counting was carried out during sunny or partly cloudy days between 13:00-15:00. The walking people were counted during weekdays and stationary people during Saturdays. The amount of walking people were multiplied by 3 in order to get 30 minute interval estimation. The stationary people were not multiplied – due to the assumption that in general, people stay stationary for about 15-30 minutes. Regardless if this assumption is correct or not, it does provide us with an idea of how intensive places are being used.

Street segments counted. Above map showing amount of people walking.
Outdoors private places counted. Places tied to a commercial activity.
Public places counted.
Segment comparison of walking people.
Segment comparison of biking people.
Segment comparison of driving people.
Comparison between walking (green) and driving (red) people. District Väster.
Comparison between walking (green) and driving (red) people. District Öster.
Comparison between walking (green) and driving (red) people. District Söder.
Comparison between walking (green) and driving (red) people. District Liljeholmen.